The Versatile Blogger Award!

I can’t believe I was nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award!
Thank you so much Subhakar Das!  I am humbled and honored to receive this award nomination from you!

There are rules I must follow after being nominated, so here we go!
❤  The Rules ❤  

These are the rules that every nominee must comply with:

1. Thank the award-giver and link back to them in your post.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass this award along to 15 recently discovered blogs you enjoy reading.
4. Contact your chosen bloggers to let them know about the award.

I’m not following the Rules in order!  I’ll start with my Nominees.
Each one of these blogs is unique, entertaining, and upbeat.  They are writers, photographers, poets ~ all teachers of life.   They show care for others and the environment, present teachable moments and provide thought-provoking material.  They give us glimpses of places we have not seen,
 immersed in color or stark black and white, images that tell stories even without words.  Without a doubt, each blog writer’s chosen topic or image will remain in your heart for a long time.

❤ The Nominated List ❤   


There is my nominated list!  I am proud to know each and every one of these blog writers!  Please click on their links…..and visit their blog.  You will be amazed, as I am.  And tell them who sent you!   😉 ❤

Oops, I almost forgot.  I need to tell you 7 things about me.  I’m not sure you really want to know???    
1.  I’m like a fish out of water.  I love to swim. I swam competitively in my youth.
2.  I love to read.  I finished Washington: A Life, by Ron Chernow.  900 pages. whew!
3.  I love my cameras: I have a Nikon D-80, and a Nikon S-8000.  I also have 3 extension tubes for the 80, as I’m trying some macro photography, without incurring the expense of a macro lens just yet.  But I am an amateur……still learning.
4.  I love being in the mountains, although my fear of heights keeps me far from the edge!
I crave the feeling of majesty and awe the mountains provide.
5.  I like to snowshoe in the winter.  The woods are so peaceful and quiet.
6.  I love to travel.  There’s so much more of the world I want to see.  (think: bucket list!)
7.  Peace~I will strive for peace in our world, and equality for all~forever.  Food, clothing and homes for those who do not have them, also.  And so important….I believe no one should have to live with daily fear for their lives.   ❤

❤ Thank you, once again, Subhakar Das for this nomination,  and Elyas, for my first nomination.  You both are very kind, and also great bloggers!

32 thoughts on “The Versatile Blogger Award!

  1. wow – i broke my own rule.
    i never comment on blogs while at work. i sometimes sneak peak but NEVER before have I commented 🙂
    there is a first time for everything 🙂 yeah!
    i couldn’t resist my temptation after seeing your comment in my e-mail 🙂

    and wow again for your 7 random facts. it’ s like looking at a list that I will make for myself. everything except i don’t know how to swim & i have never touched snow (saw it in the distance on the Himalayas) – nonetheless i love my feeble attempt at swimming and i would so love to snowshoe.
    the Majesty of mountains I totally agree – it reminds me of Bhutan all over again 🙂

    Thank you Judy for this honor – for considering me among the 15 as your favorites.
    [and i am thanking my mother for giving me a name starting with A 😉 – it’s such glory to see my name on the top 😀 ]

    thank you Judy –
    keep writing more and i absolutely love your photography skills 🙂

    • Oh Amira….you deserve this award so much! I love to read what you have written! And yes…..we do share so many things that are the same. I feel a kinship with you! I’m glad you peeked and wrote today 😉 lol, because here you are and I’m reading your response! I’m blushing at your kind words about my photography….I do get frustrated with it! Thank you so much for boosting my confidence! Take care!

  2. Oh, THANK YOU Judy!! 🙂 This is very humbling! Thank you for the support, the sweet words, (the recipes that you share lol I’ve to add that!!), and just in general for your affable personality!! 😀 I really appreciate this and it is an honor to know that I am in your favorite list! Thank you!

    … As usual your seven facts amaze me. 🙂 I wanna try snowshoe! 🙂 I love the snow .. maybe because growing up I never experienced it! 🙂 I remember my first winter in Maine, I participated in Toboggan championship lol As you can imagine, I was perhaps the only one odd looking in the mix, and the crowd was very supportive. 🙂 It’s like Cool Runnings (have u seen that movie?? lol Sanka, are you dead?? Ya Man! … my favorite line ever!! :D) … That’s how I felt. And our team did oaky, but I wanted us to win, never mind … lol

    … Thank you again Judy for the nomination! 🙂

    • Elyas….you can make me laugh out loud! lol What a wonderful story! With your words I was picturing the toboggan run, so sweet,….but then you added the movie and those lines! haha And you cracked me up! You are awesome with imagery in all your writing!

      You should try snowshoeing….you don’t have to steer like sledding or tobogganing.
      You are very deserving of this award, Elyas. Your writing is beautiful and touching. I’m so glad it came back to me, so I could give it to you….my first blog supporter! 😉

  3. Thank you so much for this nomination! I’m truly flattered by your kind words. I can’t think of anything better than being recognized by one of my peers. I’ve checked out the other blogs on your list and am honoured to be in such fine company!

    I love your blog. Especially your gorgeous photos. In addition to blogging, we share a passion for travel, food, and a concern for the less fortunate. I’ve never actually tried snowshoeing. May have to put that on my own bucket list 🙂

    Happy New Year Judy!

    • Laura…you are very welcome! You certainly deserve this award. I love your blog! From cooking to travel to “self portraits” ;)…. your teaching moments are vast and so appreciated. And yes, I was touched by all you do for others… really touched my heart. To me you are a prime example of what a Versatile Blogger is. So congratulations! (and thank you so much for your kind comments) Happy New Year to you also!

  4. Thanks VERY much for the nomination, Judy…it’s very kind of you and it’s quite humbling to receive it.

    BTW, after looking at your list, in addition to extension tubes (as a way to stave off the expense of a true macro lens) another accessory you might look into is a close-up filter. Both Canon and Nikon make high quality versions of these screw-on devices that can turn a telephoto lens into something approximating a macro lens. (BTW, these filters–as long as they’re the right size for the lens in question–are compatible with any make of camera/lens…in other words, you can use a Canon close-up filter on a Nikon rig, and vice versa.) If you do go this route, be sure to get a high quality version. They’re not super cheap, but cost a lot less than a good macro lens and are quite flexible…and high quality ones sacrifice very little in terms of image quality. I have, for instance, used a close-up filter on a 200 mm macro lens on a few occasions when I was photographing tiny flowers and/or when I wanted to get better than 1:1 magnification.

    • Kerry….You are welcome for the award. You are an awesome photographer, but you also write in addition to your photos. I think that is very important for a photography blog. Thank you for the advice. I really appreciate it. I will definitely look into close-up filters. When I visited your site I noticed you had just received the Kreative (sp) blogger award. I apologize for giving this one to you so soon. But I also feel you are very deserving of this award! I received my first Versatile Blogger award two weeks ago, and then this one two days ago! So I can relate! 😉 Congratulations on both awards, and thank you again for your great advice. (any time you want to offer advice….I’m listening!)

  5. Pingback: Seven “X” Seven Link Award – allaboutlemon

    • Thank you for sending me the link! I went to your blog! You have wonderful selections. Congratulations on your award! And thank you for mentioning my blog too.

  6. Hi Judy.

    Thank You very much giving to me an award! I never could imagine it. Award, also obliges me to try my best with my new posts.

    Next year I pass my awards forward.

    Once more thank You.

    • Sartenada….You are very welcome! You deserve this award! You teach everyone so much about Helsinki and Finland along with your beautiful photos!
      That’s important with a photography blog! I have learned so much from you! That’s fine…you can pass the awards forward next year!

  7. Pingback: Versatile bloggers in my book « MindBlur

    • Bindu….You are very deserving of this award. Your blog is delightful, your word flow so easily, and I get caught up in your stories and your writing. I love reading your blog! Thank you for stopping by!

  8. Pingback: An Awe-Inspiring New Year’s Surprise! – allaboutlemon

  9. Pingback: Thank you for these honours! | I Think So

  10. Pingback: Versatile Blogger Award 2 – allaboutlemon

  11. Pingback: Kreative Blogger Award – allaboutlemon

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