Weekly Photo Challenge: Launch


This is the LAUNCH of a NEW DAY……Stuart, Florida.
This was taken close to sunrise, and also includes
the LAUNCH of me getting out of bed to take sunrise photos 😉 

All images are copyright © 2005-2012 and are the exclusive property of Judy Johnson (unless otherwise indicated). All Rights Reserved. All Images are protected under United States and International copyright laws. None of the images on this site are in the Public Domain.



31 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Launch

  1. sunrise is the same everywhere i guess 🙂
    the swaying palms, the white seagulls(?)
    dancing in the coolness of the day.
    the subdued sky lightening up for the day !!!

    an amazing launch to a new day.

    nice photo Judy 🙂

    • Thank you, Amira! The word “launch” threw me off for a minute….then I began to brainstorm and came up with this from our entire family’s trip to FL. We spent a week celebrating our mother/grandmother’s life there….it was beautiful, as was she, for 91 wonderful years. So that photo brings back memories…..

    • Amira…..what a lovely poem…I took off on another tangent in my earlier reply. Thank you so much for such a lovely response to my photo! You are so incredibly talented! I love this! Thank you again!

  2. Very nice, Judy. Love the inclusion of the pelicans in flight, the early morning light and the sense of a breeze (the palm fronds).

    No place like Florida (at least in the continental U.S.) for birds. I participate in a baseball tournament on the Gulf coast each year and last time I was there a flock of parrots flew over the baseball complex each morning and a large group of egrets settled in deep center field each afternoon. I should have taken my camera out to shortstop each inning. 🙂

    • Great story! Parrots! Amazing. I love Egrets. They are so sleek and elegant, and they move like a ballerina, with slow, deliberate moves. Love to watch them! Yes, I think it’s time to take the camera to the ballpark!

  3. How lovely start of day. Your photo is terrific having many beautiful elements which are needed for complete photo. Some examples: blue sky in which birds are flying, clouds, waving see and the wind which I see in palm tree.

    • thank you, Sartenada! How nice of you to visit and comment! I had to think a bit about what the word: launch could mean, but finally came up with a shot!! 😉 Thanks again!

    • Thank you, Khushbu! Your comments are always so wonderful and make me so happy! 😉 And what is this I see? Under your profile photo a picture of you? I don’t remember that before! You are so lovely and beautiful! Your outer beauty is a reflection of the inner beauty that I already knew you had!

    • Hahaha…yes a couple days I had to dragggg myself up out of bed….but it was so well worth it! I sure wish I had a view like that from my home here! 😉 Thanks for stopping to comment! I appreciate it.

  4. Judy, you pictures are striking! 🙂

    I love this! … I enjoy watching birds in two ways: when they start their morning, and when they end their day! 🙂 The scenes they create on both occasions are just mesmerizing!

    • Thanks Elyas! That’s a neat way of looking at it. I never thought about birds that way. I do love to watch birds. And these pelicans were very frustrating for me to capture in my lens….and very dizzying to capture…as they circled the hotel! lol Good thing I didn’t topple off the balcony the morning I got this shot! I was so excited!

    • Yes indeed! I can’t tell you how dizzy I got over the week’s time trying to catch those pesky pelicans as they whizzed by our balcony! Sometimes all I got was a tail in my photo frame! I’m sure the other hotel guests began to wonder about me! The beach is not in the photo, the water does not compare to the other shots I have. But, to me, those birds do “make” the shot! Thanks!

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